“… Awa, ye selfish, warly race, Wha think that havins, sense, an’ grace, Ev’n love an’ friendship, should gie place, To catch-the-plack! I dinna like to see your face, Nor hear your crack. But ye whom … Continue reading Catch-The-Plack. →
Scottish Word: Waucht.

So … you laith the drouth an laud the waucht. ‘Gowp.’ Man that is indeed guid whisky. Yer sure this private distillation o yours’ll no dehydrate us in this heat? Shuid we no be drinking mair … Continue reading Waucht. →

I’m collecting for Comic Relief, so laugh – and gie me a raik o cash. Siller-blind or no. I tak onie cairt ye care tae try, nae limits. Gie plenty. Aw the siller goes tae help … Continue reading Siller-Blind. →
Scottish Word: Smeek.

First the neb: A dirl o a stang tae mha neb richt awa wi the snell smeeky reek o a choked lum aboon a pew ilk an auld dug oot o the oxter o a lang … Continue reading Smeek. →
Scottish Word: Maut.

Aye! Weel may ye sing o’ the maut, the meikle black deil, an th’ Exciseman. Ahn while it’s verry guid o ye tae trade sae fairly yer port an brandy for my braw hame made whisky … Continue reading Maut. →

No I’m no gien mha whisky tae the dug. The thoucht! That’d be daft. An’ cruel. He’s getting his Hogmanay treat o a bittie oatcake wi dods o some crowdie. Made frae the donations o Elsie … Continue reading Crowdie. →
Scottish Word: Lairge.

Whit tae dae? Whit tae dae? I’m switherin atween reading yin o mha digital buiks o the pochle I hae oan my slippery peerie tait o a screen here or tak in some classic Sci Fi … Continue reading Lairge. →

Yer a forritsome elf jingling oot o the wids like that fur tae get some o my usquebae for yer empty hipper. Weel it’s Hogmanay ahn a cannie deny ye. Tak the tap aff ahn I’ll … Continue reading Forritsome. →
Scottish Word: Yokit.

“Ye’ve been warned afore Resbow – yokit yir mule tae a post o its very own. Hoo mony times dae ye hae tae be telt.” Translate: yokit, yoke, yolk: attach, join, unite (to a carriage or … Continue reading Yokit. →
bar, beard, cards, carrot, chairs, curtain, dog, horses, lamp, mexican, mule, old man, piano, pony, Whisky, window 
“Stammygastered that’s what I am – aw year ah’ve waited tae see the big event. The Hogmanay fireworks ower the bridges an then it aw goes aff at once in one big flash – it’s the … Continue reading Stammygaster. →