Week Four. Each October a list, one for each day of 30 Scottish words, is published. Scotstober as an event is for fun, inviting anyone to have a go and publish the result on social media under the hashtag #Scotstober.
It can be a drawing, sculpture, poem, collage, blog entry, song, joke, story, comic, or whatever the day’s word inspires you to make. Do Scotstober every day of October or just the days that take your fancy. There are no rules.
Word 23: Gled.

Word 24: Coo.

Word 25: Ben.

Word 26: Knap.

Word 27: Toon.

With the AMOC becoming increasingly unstable and catastrophe probably at any time I wondered if I should have added icebergs because that looks like that may be what the future is for us in N. Europe. Hey Ho. At least there’s no safe place for billionaires either.
The AMOC (
is the current that circulates temperatures held in water in a cycle between the South and North of the globe. It’s visibly becoming unstable because increased rainfall and melting sea ice is affecting the salinity of the oceans.One likely result of any failure of the AMOC is that the North will become much colder and the South hotter creating even more violent and unstable weather around the globe. Wickipedia 1 November 2024
Word 28: Poke.

Word 29: Forret.

Word 30: Smirr.

Word 31: Baigie.

Scotstober 2024.
Week one: 1 tyne, 2 dicht, 3 noo, 4 haar, 5 clype, 6 boak, 7 tap.
Week two: 8 lang, 9 haiver, 10 thole, 11 bile, 12 jouk, 13 cuddie, 14 gowster, 15 puddock.
Week three: 16 howff, 17 lum, 18 tuim, 19 squint, 20 heilan, 21 sook, 22 heid.
Week four: 23 gled, 24 coo, 25 ben, 26 knap, 27 toon, 28 poke, 29 forret, 30 smirr, 31 neep, tumshie, baigie.