Scottish Word: Yokit.
“Ye’ve been warned afore Resbow – yokit yir mule tae a post o its very own. Hoo mony times dae ye hae tae be telt.” Translate: yokit, yoke, yolk: attach, join, unite (to a carriage or … Continue reading Yokit.
“Ye’ve been warned afore Resbow – yokit yir mule tae a post o its very own. Hoo mony times dae ye hae tae be telt.” Translate: yokit, yoke, yolk: attach, join, unite (to a carriage or … Continue reading Yokit.
“Ah’ll hae a wee whisky an wid ye mak it a double seein it’s a gey dreich day. Och mebbe ye should mak it intae a hot toddy athegither” Translate: athegither: altogether, all as one, in … Continue reading Athegither.
“Lunt awa son, lunt awa.” Translate: lunt: walk with a springy step, walk briskly. “Walk on briskly son, walk on briskly (don’t worry about me).” impatience. The Scottish Word: lunt with its definition and its meaning … Continue reading Lunt.