Scottish Word: Skellet.
This parritch’s o’er thick awa tae thon clean burn an get a skellet o guid clean water. An why would it no be clean. Aw burns shuid be clean – that’s right is it no. It’d … Continue reading Skellet.
This parritch’s o’er thick awa tae thon clean burn an get a skellet o guid clean water. An why would it no be clean. Aw burns shuid be clean – that’s right is it no. It’d … Continue reading Skellet.
Yon jug’s his preferred recipe. He maks it fae the pot beer oot o the still ahn adds a guid helpin o foreshot tae shairpen the taste tae his liking. Ah dinni grudge it, he’s bin … Continue reading Foreshot.
Aye! Weel may ye sing o’ the maut, the meikle black deil, an th’ Exciseman. Ahn while it’s verry guid o ye tae trade sae fairly yer port an brandy for my braw hame made whisky … Continue reading Maut.
It’s awfie hamely o ye tae gie me a wee shottie fur the simmer. Yer a guid man Mr Flowerdew. I ayewis thoucht I’d like a go at butlering efter retiring frae gairdnerin. The extra siller’ll … Continue reading Hamely.
Aye, wi one ee I never see double or get skellie ee’d nae matter how long I’m oan the swallie. Mind you it maks me fair hungert an I aften fire up a barbecue. I like … Continue reading Swallie.
He’s the minister ca’d Poe frae the Parish o Ee, wha loves the winter ahn liked tae skate free, so pou the haun’l ahn let the chiel flee. Either tae birk he’ll crash or near tae … Continue reading Birk (1).
“Yiv an awfy lot o foam on yer swats the-nicht.” Translate: swats: newly brewed weak beer. “You have a shocking amount of foam on your new brew tonight.” The Scottish Word: swats with its definition and … Continue reading Swats.