Scottish Word: Souter.
Ah’m a guild accredited souter ye ken, there’s no need tae hing aboot getting in a flap. I’ve un-dented yer siller toecaps, re-soled, generally repaired, and pit in extra heavy tacks, siller inaw. Whit have ye … Continue reading Souter. →
Dinni be fooled by her pauchliness. Ah’ve seen her pit an ee oot richt through the centre o a monocle. Ahn dangle lone bawbags from her horn. We’ve nae idea whaur the bodies are. She’s a … Continue reading Pauchle. →
Scottish Word: Weir.
Wir aw pented up ah’n weirly but nae weir tae gang tae. Ah’n nae weir pairty tae gang wi. Translate: weir: war. We are all painted up and warlike but no war to go to. And … Continue reading Weir. →
Scottish Word: Yett.
Hoi, mind an sneck the yett on yer wey oot wi the cuddy or ye’ll lowse the coo, chooks an dug. Translate: yett: gate, narrow pass in the hills. Hey, don’t forget to latch the gate … Continue reading Yett. →
bench, cats, cow, dog, gate, hens, pony, rustic, thatch, udders, window Scottish Word: Yokit.
“Ye’ve been warned afore Resbow – yokit yir mule tae a post o its very own. Hoo mony times dae ye hae tae be telt.” Translate: yokit, yoke, yolk: attach, join, unite (to a carriage or … Continue reading Yokit. →
bar, beard, cards, carrot, chairs, curtain, dog, horses, lamp, mexican, mule, old man, piano, pony, Whisky, window Scottish Word: Sclaff.
“So how did ye like that sclaff in the lug then?” Translate: sclaff: slap obliquely, graze with the open hand or something flat in an oblique warning scuff sort of way. “So how did ye like … Continue reading Sclaff. →
boy, catapult, cone, cream, feet, girl, horse, ice, pedestrian, pet, pony, reins, riding, tail