Scottish Word: Yokit.
“Ye’ve been warned afore Resbow – yokit yir mule tae a post o its very own. Hoo mony times dae ye hae tae be telt.” Translate: yokit, yoke, yolk: attach, join, unite (to a carriage or … Continue reading Yokit.
“Ye’ve been warned afore Resbow – yokit yir mule tae a post o its very own. Hoo mony times dae ye hae tae be telt.” Translate: yokit, yoke, yolk: attach, join, unite (to a carriage or … Continue reading Yokit.
“Wha installed this taigle o pipes in here in the first place? That’s what I want to ken. An what sort o muckle knapdarloch fitted in here tae dae it!” Translate: knapdarloch: contemptuous term for an … Continue reading Knapdarloch.
“He’s haunless, wha let him intae the magic circle.” Translate: haunless: awkward, clumsy, incompetent, handless. “He’s incompetent, who let him into the magic circle?” The Scottish Word: haunless with its definition and its meaning illustrated and … Continue reading Haunless.