“… Awa, ye selfish, warly race, Wha think that havins, sense, an’ grace, Ev’n love an’ friendship, should gie place, To catch-the-plack! I dinna like to see your face, Nor hear your crack. But ye whom … Continue reading Catch-The-Plack. →
Scottish Word: Trow.

The chiel’s a tumshieheid gomach monoglot o a trow o the warst kind. Burst his pan tap ahn skooshed a biled bilein o rotten neep oer the ceilin. Frae lookin at his browsin history and choice … Continue reading Trow. →

“Ah think wiping aff yir slavers is soon tae be the least of yir worries.” Translate: slavers: drool, saliva dribbling from mouth or flying about. “I think that being unable to wipe dry your lips will … Continue reading Slaver, Slavers. →
Scottish Word: Blaw.

“Happy New Year. An wid ye gie us a wee blaw intae this breathalyser please.” Translate: blaw: blow. “Happy New Year. And would you please blow into this breathalyser for me.” The Scottish Word: blaw with … Continue reading Blaw. →
breathalyzer, car, cars, cold, law, new year, police, policeman, shovel, snow, winter Scottish Word: Wifie.

“Aye, wi oot a doot, Erchie here is one o the best undercover wifies we’ve ever had.” Translate: wifie: an older woman, usually middle aged or older and usually with character. “Yes, without a doubt, Archibald, … Continue reading Wifie. →

“aye aye aye, fit’s a dae?” Translate: aye aye aye: ‘ello ‘ello ‘ello what’s all this then? The Scottish Word: aye [No 3] with its definition and its meaning illustrated and captioned with the word used … Continue reading Aye No.3. →