“… Awa, ye selfish, warly race, Wha think that havins, sense, an’ grace, Ev’n love an’ friendship, should gie place, To catch-the-plack! I dinna like to see your face, Nor hear your crack. But ye whom … Continue reading Catch-The-Plack. →

Hoi gran is it potted-heid or powsowdie yer making ahn dae ye still want me tae peel ahn shred the veg? Are ye no supposed tae skin the thing or at least singeit the wool and … Continue reading Powsowdie. →
Scottish Word: Fower.

Stage yin an Stage twa are the tasty yins. Stage fower Haggisses are the dangerous yins but are certainly aw lang deid by noo. There has only ivver been yin sichtin in recent times. An that … Continue reading Fower. →
banners, claws, fire, fireside, gloves, haggis, road, signs, teeth, trees, wellies Scottish Word: Meffin.

“He’s meffin ben the hoose.” Translate: meffin: the act of warming oneself at the fire by sitting in front of it with the legs spread. “He’s sitting in front of the fire inside the house toasting … Continue reading Meffin. →