“… Awa, ye selfish, warly race, Wha think that havins, sense, an’ grace, Ev’n love an’ friendship, should gie place, To catch-the-plack! I dinna like to see your face, Nor hear your crack. But ye whom … Continue reading Catch-The-Plack. →

Ahn they telt me it couldnae be done. Translate: couldnae, couldny, couldnie, cudnae, cudna: could not. And they told me it could not be done. ′kudne The Scottish Word: couldnae with its definition and its meaning … Continue reading Couldnae. →

STOP! mha jo jo yer no a foggie bummer. Yer nooo… Translate: foggie bummer: the wild or carder bee. STOP! my darling dearest you are not a moss bee. You’re noooot… ′fɔgi bɔml The Scottish Word: … Continue reading Foggie bummer. →
Scottish Word: Speel.

Dinni worry chiel, wee yins like yersel will hae speelin hecks made o stane when the last o us wid is gone ahn the plastic’s done. Nae speelin oan me. The last o the auld trees. … Continue reading Speel. →

I’m giving up the bagpipes and going back tae the pan pipes sic as you’re uisin. Playin this big boy here is like wrastlin wi an octopus in pain. Ahn forebye efter I’ve had a guid … Continue reading Bagpipes. →
Scottish Word: Nedder.

Ah dinni ken why the High Heid Yins telt us to stay oot o the fog it’s guid fun tae dangle yer nedder regions oot o sicht. It’s kind o skeerie really dae ye no think? … Continue reading Nedder. →

Och it’s jist a falset neb! I thoucht yer choller had swollen. It wiz sonsie mind, ye ken. Translate: choller: double chin, wattles of a cock Gosh it is just a false nose. I thought your … Continue reading Choller. →

Run ya sad oanshach ye, yer aboot tae become a creishy sludder fou o sclinters and channer sclatched aw oer the grund. Translate: sludder: something wet and slimy like mud. Run you sad sorry fool you, … Continue reading Sludder. →
Scottish Word: Gaird.

Ye can gaird yer bonnie reid balloon as hard as ye like Elsie but ye ken yon pawkie brither o yoors is gonna burst it. He aye does. Ahn no pop gun, superstrengthened spring or no, … Continue reading Gaird. →

That damn burd’s a clash-bagger, clyping on me tae the dug ahn no a tree fur miles. Translate: clash-bag: a tell tale. That damn bird is a tell tale, betraying me to that dog and not … Continue reading Clash-bag. →