Scottish Word: Forrit.
Yer surprisingly forret fur a wee moose guising in the dark in this part o the wids. Whaur’s aw yer pals? Ye’ll be lookin for a sweet tae eat fur yer trouble ah suspect. But dae … Continue reading Forrit.
Yer surprisingly forret fur a wee moose guising in the dark in this part o the wids. Whaur’s aw yer pals? Ye’ll be lookin for a sweet tae eat fur yer trouble ah suspect. But dae … Continue reading Forrit.
“She is a winsome wee thing, She is a handsome wee thing, She is a lo’esome wee thing, This dear wee wife o’ mine. I never saw a fairer, I never lo’ed a dearer, And neist … Continue reading Wee.
Yer a forritsome elf jingling oot o the wids like that fur tae get some o my usquebae for yer empty hipper. Weel it’s Hogmanay ahn a cannie deny ye. Tak the tap aff ahn I’ll … Continue reading Forritsome.
“It’s a shame so few folk see a real fire noo-a-days. They’re all gettin saft AND saft in the heid with their central heatin an ithir comforts.” Translate: saft: soft. “It is a shame that so … Continue reading Saft.
“He’s meffin ben the hoose.” Translate: meffin: the act of warming oneself at the fire by sitting in front of it with the legs spread. “He’s sitting in front of the fire inside the house toasting … Continue reading Meffin.
“Help the aix is fleein oot o ma hauns.” Translate: aix: axe. “Help the axe is flying out of my hands.” The Scottish Word: aix with its definition and its meaning illustrated and captioned with the … Continue reading Aix.