Scottish Word: Moggan.
I aye like a thick moggan tae hap ma leg. Otherwise I’ve got a cauld gap atween mha jaikit an mha gore-tex pro gaiter whaur yon snell wind ootside cuts richt through ma guid winter breeks … Continue reading Moggan.
I aye like a thick moggan tae hap ma leg. Otherwise I’ve got a cauld gap atween mha jaikit an mha gore-tex pro gaiter whaur yon snell wind ootside cuts richt through ma guid winter breeks … Continue reading Moggan.
What wi the cost o electricity the noo this is aw the Christmas decorations we’re goan tae get. Only pit it oan when it’s as dark as a badgers bum and ye canni see yer haun … Continue reading Winklin.
Is it no magic this neibourhood, no leaves tae rake or blaw, nae grass tae mow. Nae beasties in the hoose, nae burds crappin oan the car, nae neibours revin up their hedge trimmers, total peace … Continue reading Neibourhood.
Jist look at that mooth fou o bonnie sang ahn no a hint o mantin tae be seen. If she wiz spikin insteid o singin she’d be mantin as bad as an auld reversin steam puffer … Continue reading Mant.
I mind when this wiz packed fou o young moles wi their een skinklin frae the hunners o candle lanterns lining the mirrored waws. Happy days. Jiggin in the flichterin licht tae the disco beat, fu … Continue reading Skinkle.
“… Wow, but your letter made me vauntie! And are ye hale, and weel, and cantie? I kenn’d it still your wee bit jauntie Wad bring ye to: Lord send you ay as weel’s I want … Continue reading Vauntie.
Yir a richt deugend tasker Chief. Gie it a rest Ah’ve telt ye an telt ye that ah’m immune tae yer new electric farlie. Aw that’s daein is you’re being fried ahn mha jeelie piece is … Continue reading Deugend.
Weel done min, Captain Frumpsqualler the first is noo straicht jist like ye straichtened Skew Bazzer Whiffington ahn the ithers, but ah see Baw Graip Clatterbutt the third is noo the squint yin. Ye’ll hae tae … Continue reading Squint.
Noo hud on, hud on, afore ye fire that deadly automatic multi projectile assault rifle ye dae ken that yin wee hole in yer suit in this atmosphere will be instantly fatal. What wi aw the … Continue reading Forby.
And if sir will only tak a taste o the Thomas Laxton ahm drappin here – ye’ll find that unlike the pickant, tho sweet nebbiness o yer previous Early Perfection yiv jist swallied – that it’ll … Continue reading Souch.