Scottish Word: Saison.
Listen ya daft dug, winter’s gone. I’m no gonna kick ye along oniemair and I’m telt silence is wisdom – better than onie speech. Hoo-ever. Everything has its saisons, an we hae tae tak tent o … Continue reading Saison.
Listen ya daft dug, winter’s gone. I’m no gonna kick ye along oniemair and I’m telt silence is wisdom – better than onie speech. Hoo-ever. Everything has its saisons, an we hae tae tak tent o … Continue reading Saison.
So … you laith the drouth an laud the waucht. ‘Gowp.’ Man that is indeed guid whisky. Yer sure this private distillation o yours’ll no dehydrate us in this heat? Shuid we no be drinking mair … Continue reading Waucht.
Noo… we tak turns tae hud the floating table doon. When mistress Hippo taks a bite o cake we hud it doon an when we tak a bite o cake she huds it doon. She huds … Continue reading Tak.
“Yiv a bit o jeelie on yir semmit.” Translate: semmit: vest. “You have a spot of jam on your vest.” The Scottish Word: semmit with its definition and its meaning illustrated and captioned with the word … Continue reading Semmit.