Scottish Word: Chitter.
Hoi! Yer ivver an on chitterin’s getting on my nerves. Cut it oot or ye’ll see me going brainwode. Pull yer hood up an coorie doon intae my insulated duffel bag an warm yersel up. Otherwise … Continue reading Chitter.
Hoi! Yer ivver an on chitterin’s getting on my nerves. Cut it oot or ye’ll see me going brainwode. Pull yer hood up an coorie doon intae my insulated duffel bag an warm yersel up. Otherwise … Continue reading Chitter.
Aye we’re still howkin oot remains o this ancient race frae the deep auld oxygen sterved sypes and sleeks. We find maist in their cuboid coral like structures whaur they seemed tae be makin a knotless … Continue reading Sleek.
I aye like my pincil as shairp as mha trusty scalpel. Translate: shairp: sharp. I always like my pencil as sharp as my trusty scalpel. ʃerp The Scottish Word: shairp with its definition and its meaning … Continue reading Shairp.
First the neb: A dirl o a stang tae mha neb richt awa wi the snell smeeky reek o a choked lum aboon a pew ilk an auld dug oot o the oxter o a lang … Continue reading Smeek.
They’re no wice. I ken they ken oan frae aff. I’ve pooerit the mense o human kind frae planet earth into thon puddock. AND it kens hoo tae work thon oan & aff furlie tae turn … Continue reading Oan.
Ah’ve div whit ye telt me doctor – fower sets o twenty flaps twice a day iviry day huddin it at least twa inches aff the grund ahn still the wecht winni shift. Ah can barely … Continue reading Wecht.
Boss! Boss! Are ye mad? Mind yersel. Threaten them aw ye want. But if ye pap the tap aff the bottle then mind you’re the only one wi-oot onie protective gear. And of aw folk, ye … Continue reading Wirricow.
Help ma boab! Yon orpit digital rabiator sure packs a wallop compared to a pencil an pepper yin. Hoo’s that? The ertist’s no happy noo. Translate: rabiator: villain, scoundrel, a lout. My goodness! That peevish digital … Continue reading Rabiator.
“Fur a 143 years ah spin through space marooned wi nowt but a dug tae clap an a diary tae scrieve an NOO ah lose ma pencil. Ma last one.” Translate: spin: progress favourably, journey in … Continue reading Spin.
“Nah dinni dinni, ah widni dae that if I wus you Wullie.” Translate: widni, widna: wouldn’t, would not. “No don’t don’t, I would not do that if I was you William.” The Scottish Word: widni with … Continue reading Widni.