Scottish Words tagged with: bar - 8 posts.

Doc shining lamplight through the bullet hole onto the wall to ascertain no fragments remain of the bullet or bone.

Scottish Word: Straucht.

Doc shining lamplight through the bullet hole onto the wall to ascertain no fragments remain of the bullet or bone.

“Aye yer fine sheriff, I can see that the bullet wheecht straucht through.” Translate: straicht, straucht: straight. “Don’t worry you are fine sheriff, I can see that the bullet moved speedily straight through.” strɑxt The Scottish … Continue reading Straucht.

A bipedal from earth and a tripedal from the red planet visible in the viewport making cross species conversation in a bar in space.

Scottish Word: Reid.

A bipedal from earth and a tripedal from the red planet visible in the viewport making cross species conversation in a bar in space.

“When ye get stottin fou on yir reid planet, dae ye see triple?” Translate: reid: red. “When you get really really drunk on your red planet, do you see triple?” The Scottish Word: reid with its … Continue reading Reid.