Scottish Word: Maister.
Ah’m a craw an canni sing so the maister steam-smith made me this furlie so I can mak my ain music. He loves craws. Ah keep the fire stoked and the steam organ toots awa played … Continue reading Maister.
Ah’m a craw an canni sing so the maister steam-smith made me this furlie so I can mak my ain music. He loves craws. Ah keep the fire stoked and the steam organ toots awa played … Continue reading Maister.
Wi the bankers added tae yer baxter, flesher, souter, scaffie, dyester an polis families yiv won. But ahm keepin the pot. Aw the siller’s mine, an what are ye gonna dae aboot it? Eh! Nuthin. Ya … Continue reading Bawd.
Crivvens – ah shuid hae kent this hygienic cairt gemme o Guts-Poker-Covid I invented widni go weel fur us whut wi us aw haein oor very own pack o cairts tae deal frae. We’d aw been … Continue reading Cairts.
Ah’m michtily glad I was biggit tae think oot o the box. Wi ma cobbled thegither brain o deid academics ahm no ataw like thon weet fushion matrix bubble-heided A.I. wha’s reliant on creative learning. Wha … Continue reading Biggit.
“Ye’ve been warned afore Resbow – yokit yir mule tae a post o its very own. Hoo mony times dae ye hae tae be telt.” Translate: yokit, yoke, yolk: attach, join, unite (to a carriage or … Continue reading Yokit.
“Ahm ah dottled or dreamin? I swear reindeer keep fleein bye an hoverin aboot as if they’re working oot whits shinin oot o oor windae.” Translate: dottle: witless, become crazy or confused, in a state of … Continue reading Dottle.
“Aye yer fine sheriff, I can see that the bullet wheecht straucht through.” Translate: straicht, straucht: straight. “Don’t worry you are fine sheriff, I can see that the bullet moved speedily straight through.” strɑxt The Scottish … Continue reading Straucht.
“Weel, they’ve aboot got the costume right, but why they always think ahm a gigantic muckle lump like thon an still shin doon a lum beats me.” Translate: aboot: about, nearly. “Well, they have just about … Continue reading Aboot.