Scottish Word: Skinkle.
I mind when this wiz packed fu o young moles wi their een skinklin frae the hunners o candle lanterns lining the mirrored waws. Happy days. Jiggin in the flichterin licht tae the disco beat, fu … Continue reading Skinkle.
I mind when this wiz packed fu o young moles wi their een skinklin frae the hunners o candle lanterns lining the mirrored waws. Happy days. Jiggin in the flichterin licht tae the disco beat, fu … Continue reading Skinkle.
Tak these invites – they’re tae a Poker Pairty wi the cairts whit keeps tae the lokkit-doon rules o a faddom aff. Kerry them straucht intae the hauns o mha pals Lang Shiv Hinkum Sneevlie, Alagrugous … Continue reading Pairty.
Aye… yer weel-hained fur a kirkyaird deserter. I’m hoping ahm as douchty as yersel if ah live so long as you must huv. Translate: weel-hained: well preserved, taken care of. I must say… you are very … Continue reading Weel-hained.
Aye, wi one ee I never see double or get skellie ee’d nae matter how long I’m oan the swallie. Mind you it maks me fair hungert an I aften fire up a barbecue. I like … Continue reading Swallie.
He’s the minister ca’d Poe frae the Parish o Ee, wha loves the winter ahn liked tae skate free, so pou the haun’l ahn let the chiel flee. Either tae birk he’ll crash or near tae … Continue reading Birk (1).
“Did ye no hear – we’ve changed the rule – ye’ve nae need tae finish yer pint, nor do we have tae wait for ye to do so afore yer obleeged tae buy yer roond.” Translate: … Continue reading Afore.
“See thon carlie yonder Hugh? Wi oot a doot ah kin assure ye he ayewis, but ayewis, has a reid nose.” Translate: carle, carlie: man, fellow; not in a good way. “Can you spot that scallywag … Continue reading Carlie.
“Yiv an awfy lot o foam on yer swats the-nicht.” Translate: swats: newly brewed weak beer. “You have a shocking amount of foam on your new brew tonight.” The Scottish Word: swats with its definition and … Continue reading Swats.
“An ahm tellin YOU if bools can be a commonwealth medal sport so can DARTS!” Translate: bools: bowls. “And my counter argument to YOU is that if bowls can be a commonwealth medal sport so can … Continue reading Bools.
“…The neeps and tatties and mushy peas, stert workin like a gentle breeze, but soon the puddin wi the sonsie face, will hae ye blawin aw ower the place…” Translate: sonsie: substantial, impressive, handsome, big. “…The … Continue reading Sonsie.