Weel ahv got yer comprehensive instructions fu o detailed eeriorums yiv scrieved fur me here. And I followed them tae the letter ahn wi witnesses that’ll swear tae it. So, wid ye like tae mou that … Continue reading Eeriorums. →
Is it no magic this neibourhood, no leaves tae rake or blaw, nae grass tae mow. Nae beasties in the hoose, nae burds crappin oan the car, nae neibours revin up their hedge trimmers, total peace … Continue reading Neibourhood. →
“Nae doot aboot it. They’re aw skew-whiff. We’ll hae tae dae them aw again.” Translate: skew-whiff: awry, squint, this way and that. “No doubt about it. They are all this way and that. We will have … Continue reading Skew-whiff. →