Is it no magic this neibourhood, no leaves tae rake or blaw, nae grass tae mow. Nae beasties in the hoose, nae burds crappin oan the car, nae neibours revin up their hedge trimmers, total peace … Continue reading Neibourhood. →

“Whit’s the neb the-day?” Translate: what’s the neb: what’s the latest news, gossip. “What’s the latest news today?” The Scottish Word: whits the neb with its definition and its meaning illustrated and captioned with the word … Continue reading Whits the neb. →
daffodils, fence, flower, flowers, garden, gardening, gossip, hat, leaves, neighbor, neighbors, scarf, seasonal, snow, snowman, sunflowers, waterproof 
“He bides owerby. And ye only ivir see him oot at nicht feedin the bawkies.” Translate: owerby: over there. “He lives over there. And you only ever see him out at night feeding the bats.” The … Continue reading Owerbye. →