Scottish Word: Moggan.
I aye like a thick moggan tae hap ma leg. Otherwise I’ve got a cauld gap atween mha jaikit an mha gore-tex pro gaiter whaur yon snell wind ootside cuts richt through ma guid winter breeks … Continue reading Moggan.
I aye like a thick moggan tae hap ma leg. Otherwise I’ve got a cauld gap atween mha jaikit an mha gore-tex pro gaiter whaur yon snell wind ootside cuts richt through ma guid winter breeks … Continue reading Moggan.
Yiv done it again wi yer stookie! That’s why naebuddy’ll sign it. Yer wife’s gonna be much mair radge than I wiz yon last time. I widni be surprised if she braks yir ither airm when … Continue reading Stookie.
“Yer punishment and yer curse for dissin yer betters is tae humph yer inlaw an her dug up iviry Corbett in the land. An think yersel lucky I dinni mak it Munros anaw.” Translate: humph, hump: … Continue reading Humph.
“If you socht mair doon tae earth practical tasks nearer tae hand ye micht find yersel mair content.” Translate: socht, soucht: search for, look for. “If you looked for more down to earth practical tasks nearer … Continue reading Socht.