Scottish Word: Forby.
Noo hud on, hud on, afore ye fire that deadly automatic multi projectile assault rifle ye dae ken that yin wee hole in yer suit in this atmosphere will be instantly fatal. What wi aw the … Continue reading Forby.
Noo hud on, hud on, afore ye fire that deadly automatic multi projectile assault rifle ye dae ken that yin wee hole in yer suit in this atmosphere will be instantly fatal. What wi aw the … Continue reading Forby.
Ah’d like tae get my hands oan the tube wha picked me tae be stuck in this spinnin space cylinder fur a lifetime. AND the tube wha decided tae shunt us aff intae interstellar space fur … Continue reading Tube.
This is the 40 puss a meenit cheenger, ye jig yir siller caird through this slot tae mak yir red nose day donation an awa she goes. Wi jist need tae get the Winkleman worried look … Continue reading Puss.
“Ah kent I should hae kept the entechment buik for this furlie tae cease the dirdum.” Translate: entechment: instruction. “I knew I should have kept the instruction book for this wheel thing to stop the noise.” … Continue reading entechment.
“Fur a 143 years ah spin through space marooned wi nowt but a dug tae clap an a diary tae scrieve an NOO ah lose ma pencil. Ma last one.” Translate: spin: progress favourably, journey in … Continue reading Spin.
“I’d leave well enough alone if I was you Erchie. There’s likely tae be hell tae pay for fouterin wi the intimmers.” Translate: intimmers: internal structure, the mechanism. “I’d leave well enough alone if I was … Continue reading Intimmers.
“Oooooh Dr Soddy! The isotopes all look sae tasty ah canni choose. Ah think ah’ll jist hae a dainty wee mattle at them aw.” Translate: mattle: nibble (like a young animal). “Ooooh Dr Soddy! The isotopes … Continue reading Mattle.
“Ach it’s nithin but roosty jints, a wee skoosh o ile ‘ll see ye richt.” Translate: jint: joint. “Tut tut it is nothing but rusty joints, a little squirt of oil will see you OK.” The … Continue reading Jint.