Scottish Word: Squint.
Weel done min, Captain Frumpsqualler the first is noo straicht jist like ye straichtened Skew Bazzer Whiffington ahn the ithers, but ah see Baw Graip Clatterbutt the third is noo the squint yin. Ye’ll hae tae … Continue reading Squint. →
“Oh! Ma hairt’s aw a whiltie-whaltie cause I ken yer aboot tae whillywha me intae ma closeup.” Translate: whillywha: wheedle, coax, cajole. “Oh! My heart is all a pitter patter because I know you are about … Continue reading Whillywha. →
Age, bed, camera, lens, model, nude, old, photographer, photography, portrait, tripod Scottish Word: Siller.
“Help ma Boab, it’s jist like me, ah’ll tak it an gi ye the siller richt noo.” Translate: siller: money. “My goodness, it is just like me, I will take it and give you the money … Continue reading Siller. →