Scottish Word: Deugend.
Yir a richt deugend tasker Chief. Gie it a rest Ah’ve telt ye an telt ye that ah’m immune tae yer new electric farlie. Aw that’s daein is you’re being fried ahn mha jeelie piece is … Continue reading Deugend.
Yir a richt deugend tasker Chief. Gie it a rest Ah’ve telt ye an telt ye that ah’m immune tae yer new electric farlie. Aw that’s daein is you’re being fried ahn mha jeelie piece is … Continue reading Deugend.
“Ahm switchin aff the auto doup dichter hen. If yer wantin it back oan mind tae dae it yersel.” Translate: doup: bottom, backend of something. “I am switching off the automatic bottom wiping machine darling. If … Continue reading Doup.
“He thinks he’s the yin sey-dreivin the furlie, but it’s massel, he’s jist ballast.” Translate: sey: test, try, attempt something difficult. “He believes he is the one test driving the machine, but it is I, he … Continue reading Sey.