Scottish Word: Hielan.
“If I wass buyin’ a coo it wouldna be wan you could hang your hat on in fifty places. No, no, Peter, I’m Hielan’, but I’m no’ so Hielan’ ass aal that.” Para Handy The Vital … Continue reading Hielan.
“If I wass buyin’ a coo it wouldna be wan you could hang your hat on in fifty places. No, no, Peter, I’m Hielan’, but I’m no’ so Hielan’ ass aal that.” Para Handy The Vital … Continue reading Hielan.
Aye we’re still howkin oot remains o this ancient race frae the deep auld oxygen sterved sypes and sleeks. We find maist in their cuboid coral like structures whaur they seemed tae be makin a knotless … Continue reading Sleek.
Tirl yer hurdies tae peddle wi fury or we’ll sin be deid reid meat scauddit by yin o them beguessit steam scoots. Ye didni hire a pyntin puggie fer nithin, we ken the weys tae safe … Continue reading Hurdie.
Here’s hoo its goin tae go doon. As ye weel ken – us cats rule the multiverses – as it’s aye been – and it’ll go very bad for your species if ye deal oot onie … Continue reading Kippage.
Jist look at that mooth foo o bonnie sang ahn no a hint o mantin tae be seen. If she wiz spikin insteid o singin she’d be mantin as bad as an auld reversin steam puffer … Continue reading Mant.
Ah’m a craw an canni sing so the maister steam-smith made me this furlie so I can mak my ain music. He loves craws. Ah keep the fire stoked and the steam organ toots awa played … Continue reading Maister.
I’d like tae introduce my compact steam pouered car. The doon side is I need tae pou the biler ahint me. Ahm workin oan it. Translate: pouer, pooer: power. I’d like to introduce my compact steam … Continue reading Pouer.
“Stap yer dry boak, get yer heid oot o the backet an get it intae the buik tae see if sail gies wye tae steam or if steam gies wye tae sail.” Translate: wey, wye, wa: … Continue reading Wye.