Scottish Word: Noo.
Noo Erchie dinni mind the reek, an dinni worry forbye for oor car’s yokit tae a tree. These blootering deluges o noo an times will pass an the water’ll run awa doon the glen as afore. … Continue reading Noo.
Noo Erchie dinni mind the reek, an dinni worry forbye for oor car’s yokit tae a tree. These blootering deluges o noo an times will pass an the water’ll run awa doon the glen as afore. … Continue reading Noo.
Is it no magic this neibourhood, no leaves tae rake or blaw, nae grass tae mow. Nae beasties in the hoose, nae burds crappin oan the car, nae neibours revin up their hedge trimmers, total peace … Continue reading Neibourhood.
McPhiz, Spud and Super Ranger. [An aff duty meenit for Spud the Squirrel.] [When … ] DUNT! Spud: “Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!” [Countryside Ranger McPhiz WAS haein a sowff anaw.] Whang! Poomph! Whipple! CRASH! clang! Spud: “ERK!” McPhiz: “A … Continue reading Sowff.
Hoi ya yonker skellum watch what yer daein skeeterin aboot in that contraption. Ye’ll hae the paint scarted oan mha new motor nippin them stanes like that. Ahn ahl tell ye this! Efter I hae a … Continue reading Skellum.
Whaur’s the ‘bigyins wi mense ben the hoose’ when ye need them eh. As usual meffin oan their fat hint-ends in ile guzzling furlies o reek that get them nowhere ahn blaming awthin but thersells fur … Continue reading Bigyin.
I’d like tae introduce my compact steam pouered car. The doon side is I need tae pou the biler ahint me. Ahm workin oan it. Translate: pouer, pooer: power. I’d like to introduce my compact steam … Continue reading Pouer.
“Spankie like noo lads! Ah need tae be awa shairp like wi the tirlie fully chairged tae win.” Translate: tirlie: something which curls, spins, or twirls round; an intricate device or mechanism. “Nimble and quick now … Continue reading Tirlie.
“First cam the volcanic ash frae Eyjafjallajökull an oor een were mirken. Then the stour made oor kail an neeps grow muckle an noo they’re stingin an eatin us an wi canni see.” Translate: mirken: darken. … Continue reading Mirken.
“Ah’ve telt ye… It’s a toy son. The foldie up roof isnie real” Translate: foldie: foldable. “I have told you and told you. It’s a toy son. The convertible roof is not real.” The Scottish Word: … Continue reading Foldie.
“Happy New Year. An wid ye gie us a wee blaw intae this breathalyser please.” Translate: blaw: blow. “Happy New Year. And would you please blow into this breathalyser for me.” The Scottish Word: blaw with … Continue reading Blaw.