Scottish Word: Squint.

Weel done min, Captain Frumpsqualler the first is noo straicht jist like ye straichtened Skew Bazzer Whiffington ahn the ithers, but ah see Baw Graip Clatterbutt the third is noo the squint yin. Ye’ll hae tae … Continue reading Squint. →
Scottish Word: Clype.

“Yer all a bunch o clypes!” Translate: clype: tell tale, informer. “You are all a gang of tell tales!” The Scottish Word: clype with its definition and its meaning illustrated and captioned with the word used … Continue reading Clype. →
belt, cane, ink, punishment, pupil, pupils, ruler, school, strap, student, students Scottish Word: Aboot.

“Weel, they’ve aboot got the costume right, but why they always think ahm a gigantic muckle lump like thon an still shin doon a lum beats me.” Translate: aboot: about, nearly. “Well, they have just about … Continue reading Aboot. →
beard, candy, cane, card, cards, cheese, christmas, climb, fire, fireplace, mouse, rope, santa, stocking