Scottish Word: Tosh.
Yir wrang! if ye kin hear me oer the din. A two stroke ingine jined tae a generator tae chairge yer batteries tae drive yer electric motors isni the tosh environmental reddit ye think it is … Continue reading Tosh.
Yir wrang! if ye kin hear me oer the din. A two stroke ingine jined tae a generator tae chairge yer batteries tae drive yer electric motors isni the tosh environmental reddit ye think it is … Continue reading Tosh.
I ken yer no playin Tetris uncle Erchie. What are ye daein? Yer no even lookin at that screen. Yiv goat yer visual reality specs oan huvn’t ye? Yer no workin fur Israeli intelligence again are … Continue reading Meschant.
Prof? Div ye no hear me? Ah’m aw a munsie wi my muckle gloves. Nae help ava. So if I wiz yersel I’d bakarties tae me gleg like. Yer aboot tae snib yer anti-grav-whigmaleerie o poust … Continue reading Backarties.
What wi the cost o electricity the noo this is aw the Christmas decorations we’re goan tae get. Only pit it oan when it’s as dark as a badgers bum and ye canni see yer haun … Continue reading Winklin.
He’s been converted tae electric for years but took tae feuchin tae compensate. His feuchie habit means I hae tae tak a pipe aff him at iviry station. He disni like it. He misses his lum … Continue reading Feuch.
“If it’s guided oer a wire by yersel? An it gies ye a swatch o the target on yir screen so ye canni fail tae malafooster whit yiv aimed it at? Then hoo come it’s oursels … Continue reading Oursels.
“Yir an eejit! Ah’m gi’en ye this hat caus yir ah dozie dovie dottered dowf.” Translate: dovie: stupid, barely awake. “You’re an idiot! I’m giving you this hat because you’re a stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid person.” … Continue reading Dovie.
“That’s a fair chiel yiv got thur Erchie, are ye pittin ‘im in to the Games?” Translate: chiel: young man. “That’s a fine strong young lad you have there Archibald. Are you going to get him … Continue reading Chiel.