Scottish Word: Deugend.
Yir a richt deugend tasker Chief. Gie it a rest Ah’ve telt ye an telt ye that ah’m immune tae yer new electric farlie. Aw that’s daein is you’re being fried ahn mha jeelie piece is … Continue reading Deugend.
Yir a richt deugend tasker Chief. Gie it a rest Ah’ve telt ye an telt ye that ah’m immune tae yer new electric farlie. Aw that’s daein is you’re being fried ahn mha jeelie piece is … Continue reading Deugend.
“Weel Auld Nick’s actions huv noo been set tae ‘credible threat’ which now means that for safeties sake there’s nae admission o any extras includin falser’s, hip replacements, specs, indeed any non natural fixins, an service … Continue reading Auld Nick.
“Weel done ma bawkie pals. When this lot sticks tae his pent that’ll teach him no tae DIY shut oor ingang tae oor summer roost again.” Translate: ingang: entrance. “Well done my bat friends. When this … Continue reading Ingang.
“Nah dinni dinni, ah widni dae that if I wus you Wullie.” Translate: widni, widna: wouldn’t, would not. “No don’t don’t, I would not do that if I was you William.” The Scottish Word: widni with … Continue reading Widni.