Scottish Words tagged with: waterproof - 11 posts.

At sea bailing out water with the fish bait buckets under heavy rain in a storm.

Scottish Word: Beswakkit.

At sea bailing out water with the fish bait buckets under heavy rain in a storm.

“Here we are again, cauld an beswakkit, jist coz faither thinks catchin oor ain fish for supper builds character.” Translate: beswakkit: soaked, drenched. “Here we are again, soaked and cold, just because father thinks catching our … Continue reading Beswakkit.

Neighbour's nose is constantly over the fence every season.

Scottish Word: Whits the neb.

Neighbour's nose is constantly over the fence every season.

“Whit’s the neb the-day?” Translate: what’s the neb: what’s the latest news, gossip. “What’s the latest news today?” The Scottish Word: whits the neb with its definition and its meaning illustrated and captioned with the word … Continue reading Whits the neb.

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