Scottish Word: Teem.
Boss, boss, gie it up. Ye’ll no get a hot Murray’s Pie the day. It’s been teemin doon aw day ahn aw day yesterday. Will ye look at the state o Sooth Street here. I dinni … Continue reading Teem.
Boss, boss, gie it up. Ye’ll no get a hot Murray’s Pie the day. It’s been teemin doon aw day ahn aw day yesterday. Will ye look at the state o Sooth Street here. I dinni … Continue reading Teem.
Noo Erchie dinni mind the reek, an dinni worry forbye for oor car’s yokit tae a tree. These blootering deluges o noo an times will pass an the water’ll run awa doon the glen as afore. … Continue reading Noo.
Aye we’re still howkin oot remains o this ancient race frae the deep auld oxygen sterved sypes and sleeks. We find maist in their cuboid coral like structures whaur they seemed tae be makin a knotless … Continue reading Sleek.
Yer wunnerin why aw us fish roond here are aw on the land noo? An there’s nane o us in the watter? Weel – I’ll tell ye for why… Translate: nane, naen, neen, neun: none You … Continue reading Nane.
Here you. Are you the bogilly bogle o Hrungnirøss the muckle trow wha drooned in the wilsome moss holes oer the bye? Wha walks the watters maist nichts by the scarrow o the moon. If’n so … Continue reading Bogle.
I’m weel paid by the Natural Resources fur Profit™ corporation tae keep you lot frae o’er indulging, at least until they’ve vacuumed the river o aw life fur the last time. If it’s bigger than yer … Continue reading Weel.
The grochlin ‘n gobbin as he creeps aboot the tunnels aye gies plenty o warnin Gollum’s aboot. Guid job he disni ken we kin climb up oot o the watter tae hide amongst the stalactites, cracks … Continue reading Grochle.
Thon giant zombie took me by surprise ye ken. I managed tae bash its brains oot wi my machete afore I realised I wiz wantin an erm. Guid job ah’m corrie fisted. It wisni till I … Continue reading Wantin an Erm.
Wid it no be better tae gie aw them yurlins boats insteid o the usual brolly? It’d no be cheap but it’d still be a savin on clearin oot aw o their remains frae the branders … Continue reading Yurlin.
So we haik aboot here looking like a big gowden sakeless jessie in the hope the alien craiters o this wattery warld’ll turn up? In the vain hope we dinni fleg yin when it does turn … Continue reading Haik.