Scottish Word: Yella.
Jings! A muckle buttered finger o toast chasin a biled egg wi a yella mou. The things ye see when ye dinni huv yer gun. Translate: yella: yellow. Crumbs! A giant buttered finger of toast chasing … Continue reading Yella.
Jings! A muckle buttered finger o toast chasin a biled egg wi a yella mou. The things ye see when ye dinni huv yer gun. Translate: yella: yellow. Crumbs! A giant buttered finger of toast chasing … Continue reading Yella.
“Ach it’s jist a smirr o rain Senga. Ah dinni think we’ll bother uppin the brollies.” Translate: smirr: soft rain, a misting of rain. “My, it’s just a very light soft shower of rain Senga. I … Continue reading Smirr.
“Dammit, ma goolies are droogled noo as weel as ma shin.” Translate: droogled: soaked, drenched. “Damn it, my testicles are drenched now as well as my shoes.” The Scottish Word: droogled with its definition and its … Continue reading Droogled.
“Ah widni act like a postie if I wis you, his birse is up.” Translate: birse: bristles on the back, anger. “I would not act like a postal delivery person if I was you, his hackles … Continue reading Birse.
“Nae much left sonny, an I’ve still a terrible drouth upon me.” Translate: Drooth, drouth: extreme need of a drink /dryness/drought. Not much left sonny, and I still have a terrible thirst upon me. The Scottish … Continue reading Drouth.