Scottish Word: Sithean.
Ah ken we’re fond o this lee slope o the sithean fur winchin. But kin you no hear that discordant fairy tinklin? Ahn diz it no gie ye the grue? Translate: sithean: artificial mound or small … Continue reading Sithean.
Ah ken we’re fond o this lee slope o the sithean fur winchin. But kin you no hear that discordant fairy tinklin? Ahn diz it no gie ye the grue? Translate: sithean: artificial mound or small … Continue reading Sithean.
Moudie, massel ahn Rattons here are wonderin if the whittrets ahn futtrets are gonna tak us seriously eneuch when we set aboot them. What wi us wearin oor red noses anaw. Nae meanin tae be disrespeckfu … Continue reading Whittret.
“Weel Moudie auld pal, hoo long’s thon neb been yirdit then, dae ye ken?” Spiered the hoolet frae its delf in the tree. Translate: yirdit: buried “Well Mole, my old friend, how long has that nose … Continue reading Yirdit.
I see ye wee moudie wavin a gowan at me. Ahn I hear you too, (bit unco that). Whit’s that yer saying? He’s saving a moose that wiz stuck doon yin o yer tunnels. Jist as … Continue reading Gowan.
Ah’m awa for a daunder in the Wild Wood – codgie in the knowledge that the skeeriest thing in there will be me. Translate: daunder, dander: a stroll. I am going for a stroll in the … Continue reading Daunder.
“Aye Aye Aye so ye thoucht moudieskin scrievin buiks cam wi-oot consequence an that woolly jumpers were adequate recompense did ye? The dootfu cottage industry we deny in oor pursuit o ert! Nae wonder they’re sae … Continue reading Dear.
“Hello wee man. What brings you doon oor bourie on a braw bricht day like the-day?” Translate: bourie: burrow, lair of an animal. “Hello youngster. What brings you down our burrow on such a nice bright … Continue reading Bourie.
“Save yersel son. Let yir brakwast wirm go.” Translate: wirm, wurm: worm. “Save yourself son. Let your breakfast worm go.” subterranean drama. If you were in a hot air balloon looking down on a rainforest it … Continue reading Wirm.
“Sorry moudie, I canna see ye.” Translate: moudie: mole. “Sorry mole, I cannot see you.” The Scottish Word: moudie with its definition and its meaning illustrated and captioned with the word used in context in the … Continue reading Moudie.