Scottish Word: Brucklie.
Hoi! Ah’m hopin yer helmet’s no as brucklie as yer napper. Yer radio’s no workin. Ye need ye tae get back on board wi me. Translate: brucklie, briklie: in a brittle state or manner. Hey! I’m … Continue reading Brucklie.
Hoi! Ah’m hopin yer helmet’s no as brucklie as yer napper. Yer radio’s no workin. Ye need ye tae get back on board wi me. Translate: brucklie, briklie: in a brittle state or manner. Hey! I’m … Continue reading Brucklie.
He’s queeryin, whilst takin parteecular note o us wearin waders, if we’re bein willfully thrawart in no seein the watter. He’ll gie us that it’s crystal clear but denying watter’s there ataw he taks as bein … Continue reading Thrawart.
Ah foond the test puddocks they aw het up biled wi-oot noticin in their surface-o-mobile bubbles when the sun kem oot. I massel ahm oer het ahn gonna huv tae initiate the emergency bubble launch doon-hill … Continue reading Foond.
First they cam fur the Wild Auroch. Ahn ye said nithin. Then they cam fur the Woodland Bison. Ahn ye said nithin. Then they saw aff the multiple millions o Passenger Pigeon. The Bastard Gum’s gone, … Continue reading Nithin.
“Mither! Faither! I’ve sorted oot the mortgage arrears – I bocht the bank. Hello. Hellooo…” Translate: bocht: bought. “Mother! Father! I have sorted out the mortgage arrears – I went and bought the bank. Hello. Hellooo…” … Continue reading Bocht.
“Only a numpty wid dress for the beach like that. Ye numpty ye!” Translate: numpty: idiot. “Only a fool would dress for the beach like that. You fool you!” The Scottish Word: numpty with its definition … Continue reading Numpty.
“It’s no fair. I’ve as mauny hairs as you but I’ve tae slap sun lotion on an you dinni.” Translate: monie, mony, mauny: many. “It is not fair. I have as many hairs as you but … Continue reading Monie.
“…an so oot o aw the worlds in aw the universes it faws tae you tae hae the saifgairdin o the ancient Holy Hailstain sae dear tae generations upon generations o us, the Stivilston race.” Translate: … Continue reading Saifgaird.
“Och ye puir thing, yer no able tae mak oot the screivins oan the sign, an the grund’s aw stoory an scrochen cos o drooth. But hae nae fear, the watter hole’s thon wye.” Translate: scrochen, … Continue reading Scrochen.
“That’s a sicht ah nivir, ivir, want tae see again.” Translate: sicht: sight. “That is a sight I never, ever, want to see again.” sight. The Scottish Word: sicht with its definition and its meaning illustrated … Continue reading Sicht.