Scottish Word: Tuim.
his heid’s as tuim as we thoucht, ah can see the daylicht glintin aff yer ee Prof. Yet he’s got the hauns o an ertist ahn the nieves o a fechter. So dae we pit him … Continue reading Tuim.
his heid’s as tuim as we thoucht, ah can see the daylicht glintin aff yer ee Prof. Yet he’s got the hauns o an ertist ahn the nieves o a fechter. So dae we pit him … Continue reading Tuim.
Noo listen ye Welsh rarebit dinni drap him no matter hoo much yae want to. He’s goat oor Scots’ croon oan his powe. The auldest n langest lastin in the islands. An he’s carnaptious at the … Continue reading Croon.
Weel da, I’m namin this wee tiddler Baldur twa fin an settin him go in celebration o da simmer dim. We’ve fed weel the nicht so shuid be graitfu, and show it, no? Translate: simmer dim: … Continue reading Simmer Dim.
Oan the sicht o yer unbawndonit muckle bouk swimmin unner I wiz sweirt tae row on tae the rocket. But ah kent not ye spaikit the Scots weel or wiz a stravaiginger o the galaxy yersel. … Continue reading Unbawndonit.
Yin o yer feersum ingines is blawin sparks ahn leavin a trail like it’s a firework. Ahn ma wee green pal hingin oan here, who happens tae be an ingineer, is tellin me what’s likely if … Continue reading Ingine.
I aye turns puddocks yella on accoont o me bein a reid hat wezer obleeged tae hae a puckle corbies. Maks the puddocks easier tae find ye ken – helps keep them corbies fed. Translate: corbie: … Continue reading Corbie.
“If you socht mair doon tae earth practical tasks nearer tae hand ye micht find yersel mair content.” Translate: socht, soucht: search for, look for. “If you looked for more down to earth practical tasks nearer … Continue reading Socht.
“Fur a 143 years ah spin through space marooned wi nowt but a dug tae clap an a diary tae scrieve an NOO ah lose ma pencil. Ma last one.” Translate: spin: progress favourably, journey in … Continue reading Spin.
“Could yiz tak yersels aff an peck at the girse somewhere else. Ah’m tryin tae sleep doon here.” Translate: yiz, yez, yaes, youz: you (plural), you lot. “Could you take yourselves off and peck at the … Continue reading Yiz.
“The plasma rackle gied a wheepling skirl fangling the anti-matter knewel an dunting the anti shoogle furlie oot o kilter makin oor sair shank landin a skelp doon.” Translate: wheeple: a tuneless whistling. “The plasma chain … Continue reading Wheeple.