Scottish Word: Daunder.
Ah’m awa for a daunder in the Wild Wood – codgie in the knowledge that the skeeriest thing in there will be me. Translate: daunder, dander: a stroll. I am going for a stroll in the … Continue reading Daunder.
Ah’m awa for a daunder in the Wild Wood – codgie in the knowledge that the skeeriest thing in there will be me. Translate: daunder, dander: a stroll. I am going for a stroll in the … Continue reading Daunder.
“Quick ma braw wee green bysyn o as yet unkent an unruleful thouchts – gie yersels oot o ken aback o the covers or ye’ll be scowdered awa.” Translate: bysyn, bysun, bysning: a monster, a marvel. … Continue reading Bysyn.
“An syne the wolf wis mogert up.” Translate: mogert: rendered useless, messed up, botched. “And directly afterwards the wolf was set upon and rendered totally incapable of causing any harm from then on.” The Scottish Word: … Continue reading Mogert.