Scottish Word: Forrit.
Yer surprisingly forret fur a wee moose guising in the dark in this part o the wids. Whaur’s aw yer pals? Ye’ll be lookin for a sweet tae eat fur yer trouble ah suspect. But dae … Continue reading Forrit.
Yer surprisingly forret fur a wee moose guising in the dark in this part o the wids. Whaur’s aw yer pals? Ye’ll be lookin for a sweet tae eat fur yer trouble ah suspect. But dae … Continue reading Forrit.
C’mon Elsa yer findin them big white gowans sharrow I ken, and thiv grown raff, so tak this yett here tae my better meadow. Ah ken weel massel what they taste like, mha partner adds them … Continue reading Sharrow.
Jings it’s the muckle minginishrie broon troot. Gey rare. If I wiz you I wid bide still and no cairry-oan like a fly oan tap o the watter, ye dinni want tae end up a catch … Continue reading Troot.
I aye turns puddocks yella on accoont o me bein a reid hat wezer obleeged tae hae a puckle corbies. Maks the puddocks easier tae find ye ken – helps keep them corbies fed. Translate: corbie: … Continue reading Corbie.
Hoi! It’s no ma faut folk are biggin canal bridges oot o glaiss. Ahn wha decided you shuid be the arbiter of what a quine sees or disni see onywye? Are you the boss o her? … Continue reading Faut.
Jings! A muckle buttered finger o toast chasin a biled egg wi a yella mou. The things ye see when ye dinni huv yer gun. Translate: yella: yellow. Crumbs! A giant buttered finger of toast chasing … Continue reading Yella.
Noo Jill. Dinni hing aboot doon there lookin for yer grannie’s auld gowd thimble. The forecast sez there’s a muckle plowt o rain due an it’ll no be safe doon there. Translate: plowt: a heavy downpour … Continue reading Plowt.
The tounser moose aa’n the teuchter moose. “For the umpteenth time, there’s nae drains awa oot here. So tak yir chantie leavin’s tae the midden aback o the byre whaur ah’m aboot tae empty this pail … Continue reading Tounser.
Let the wind blow high, let the wind blow low, Through the streets in my kilt I’ll go, And all the lassies shout hello, Donald where’s your troosers… Owersettins: troosers: troos trousers. Let the wind blow … Continue reading Troosers, troos.
“Yer punishment and yer curse for dissin yer betters is tae humph yer inlaw an her dug up iviry Corbett in the land. An think yersel lucky I dinni mak it Munros anaw.” Translate: humph, hump: … Continue reading Humph.