Scottish Word: Cairry
He couldni be in better hauns than wee Hoolet Erchie there to be cairried forrit into the New Year. He’s nivir drapped a soul yet twixt one year an the next. Mind his pipe leaves an … Continue reading Cairry
He couldni be in better hauns than wee Hoolet Erchie there to be cairried forrit into the New Year. He’s nivir drapped a soul yet twixt one year an the next. Mind his pipe leaves an … Continue reading Cairry
Boss, boss, gie it up. Ye’ll no get a hot Murray’s Pie the day. It’s been teemin doon aw day ahn aw day yesterday. Will ye look at the state o Sooth Street here. I dinni … Continue reading Teem.
Jings that wiz Sinjin Pithoolwait efter a rabiator oan the back o Sangria and she’s got a bleezin skelter on. She’s losing twigs o birch frae her besom at a feersum rate which micht gar her … Continue reading Skelter.
Noo ahm pure certain this’s a bensell o a teem doun. That’s the first this year ahv seen o the deuks wi brollies. Ahn the state o the road’s no helpin either. Translate: bensell: force, a … Continue reading Bensell.
She’s a skelpie-limmer richt eneuch, as weel as a dubskelper o note. Ahn she’s gonna get tae the gig afore us at that lick. Translate: dubskelper: a person who travels quickly no matter the condition of … Continue reading Dubskelper.
Wid it no be better tae gie aw them yurlins boats insteid o the usual brolly? It’d no be cheap but it’d still be a savin on clearin oot aw o their remains frae the branders … Continue reading Yurlin.
Ooooh thanks for the caird my wee dautie. Yer foo up o naitral-hertitness. A wee wally gowdy. Ah canni wait tae smuirich ye wi smirrikens. Translate: naitral-hertit: Natural hearted, kind-hearted, affectionate. Ooooh thank you for the … Continue reading Naitral-hertit.
Pey me weel. Pey me weel. An’ I’ll do ye a deal. Noo Mr Wabster an wee Miss Moffat yer spider silk shin are braw things but I canni pey ye much, an nothing up front … Continue reading Pey me weel.
Ah’m awa for a daunder in the Wild Wood – codgie in the knowledge that the skeeriest thing in there will be me. Translate: daunder, dander: a stroll. I am going for a stroll in the … Continue reading Daunder.
“Yer punishment and yer curse for dissin yer betters is tae humph yer inlaw an her dug up iviry Corbett in the land. An think yersel lucky I dinni mak it Munros anaw.” Translate: humph, hump: … Continue reading Humph.