Scottish Word: Gled.
Ha Ha yer in the gled’s grups noo Superchook, ah’ve had mha gled ee on yer pouers for years an ther’s nocht ye kin do but snuil doon noo an gie them tae me. Mha Super … Continue reading Gled.
Ha Ha yer in the gled’s grups noo Superchook, ah’ve had mha gled ee on yer pouers for years an ther’s nocht ye kin do but snuil doon noo an gie them tae me. Mha Super … Continue reading Gled.
Weel weel aw oor cookin up o this virus has resulted in a wee bonus o this wee bittie cloot* whit’ll keep the smeek an smuir oot o oor lighs. ahn whit’s mair if’n we whip … Continue reading Smuir.
It’s the remains o Pirate Captain Windy Wuntle Windlestrae richt eneuch, preserved oer the years by his weel kent aboundant pushionous pumps. His peg leg sauf here anaw. Pirate Captain Windy Wuntle Windlestrae. [part 2 of … Continue reading Pushionous.
Help ma boab! Yon orpit digital rabiator sure packs a wallop compared to a pencil an pepper yin. Hoo’s that? The ertist’s no happy noo. Translate: rabiator: villain, scoundrel, a lout. My goodness! That peevish digital … Continue reading Rabiator.
“Aye yer a knackie lad son, ye’ll gang far.” Translate: knackie: adriot, deft, skilful, ingenious. “Yes indeed you are a skilful lad son, you’ll go far.” The Scottish Word: knackie with its definition and its meaning … Continue reading Knackie.
“Ye shouldni hae cam oot guisin wi sic a bad cauld, yir likely tae mak it waur.” Translate: waur: worse. “You should not have come out guising with such a bad cold, you will likely make … Continue reading Waur.
“Pumpkin or neep? Pumpkin or neep? Either wye the soup gies ye evil pumps.” Translate: neep: turnip. “Pumpkin or turnip? Pumpkin or Turnip? Either way the soup gives one the most vile intestinal wind.” The Scottish … Continue reading Neep.
‘Why are they prayin guisers sae soor faced?’ ‘Cos they’re no goin roon their neibours an freends guisin’ that’s why.’ Translate: guising: to go round your neighbours and friends, in fancy dress, offering entertainment in exchange … Continue reading Guising.