Scottish Word: Coof.
Them neeps, once neeps like us, coofs noo, are o the opinion that tumshies an baigies are unworthy o neep hood an want us aw deid. So hud the line an mak yer shots count – … Continue reading Coof.
Them neeps, once neeps like us, coofs noo, are o the opinion that tumshies an baigies are unworthy o neep hood an want us aw deid. So hud the line an mak yer shots count – … Continue reading Coof.
Nivir mind his heid! Gang efter the tyres. Translate: gang: go, move, depart. Never mind his head! Go after the tyres. gjɑŋ The Scottish Word: gang with its definition and its meaning illustrated and captioned with … Continue reading Gang.
Mind, way back, hoo we cam tae feel gey dowf an athoot ettle efter thon cosmic radiation burst what killed aw the organic craiters hereaboots. Weel! I redded oot mha heid pan o them orra auld … Continue reading Baigie.
Ah’m a craw an canni sing so the maister steam-smith made me this furlie so I can mak my ain music. He loves craws. Ah keep the fire stoked and the steam organ toots awa played … Continue reading Maister.
Aye! It’s a shame yer a craiter o the slidderin ilk. It’s sad ye werni blessed wi pairts that hae a lirk or twa ended wi cleuks, fit an hurdies tae let ye caw awa a … Continue reading Slidder.
“Fur a 143 years ah spin through space marooned wi nowt but a dug tae clap an a diary tae scrieve an NOO ah lose ma pencil. Ma last one.” Translate: spin: progress favourably, journey in … Continue reading Spin.
“Oooooh Dr Soddy! The isotopes all look sae tasty ah canni choose. Ah think ah’ll jist hae a dainty wee mattle at them aw.” Translate: mattle: nibble (like a young animal). “Ooooh Dr Soddy! The isotopes … Continue reading Mattle.
“Ach it’s nithin but roosty jints, a wee skoosh o ile ‘ll see ye richt.” Translate: jint: joint. “Tut tut it is nothing but rusty joints, a little squirt of oil will see you OK.” The … Continue reading Jint.