Hoi! Yer ivver an on chitterin’s getting on my nerves. Cut it oot or ye’ll see me going brainwode.
Pull yer hood up an coorie doon intae my insulated duffel bag an warm yersel up.
Otherwise I’ll show ye whit a chittery-bite is, and no in a good way.
chitter: to tremble, shiver with cold, fear, etc.
Look! Your constant shivering’s getting on my nerves. Cut it out or you’ll witness me being enraged.
Pull your hood up and snuggle down into my insulated duffel bag and warm yourself up.
Otherwise I’ll show you what a shivery-bite is, and not in a good way.
The Scottish Word: chitter with its definition and its meaning illustrated and captioned with the word used in context in the Scots language and in English.
Chittery-bite, chitterin’ piece or chitterin’ bit is a morsel of food that one gets after an activity that’s liable to give one a chill associated mostly, in Scotland, with a swim.
What the tiger means, we’ll just have to guess.