Scottish Word: Wantin an Erm.
Thon giant zombie took me by surprise ye ken. I managed tae bash its brains oot wi my machete afore I realised I wiz wantin an erm. Guid job ah’m corrie fisted. It wisni till I … Continue reading Wantin an Erm.
Thon giant zombie took me by surprise ye ken. I managed tae bash its brains oot wi my machete afore I realised I wiz wantin an erm. Guid job ah’m corrie fisted. It wisni till I … Continue reading Wantin an Erm.
Help ma boab! Yon orpit digital rabiator sure packs a wallop compared to a pencil an pepper yin. Hoo’s that? The ertist’s no happy noo. Translate: rabiator: villain, scoundrel, a lout. My goodness! That peevish digital … Continue reading Rabiator.
“Ah goat the idea frae a scuil web site whaur they completely masked all the wean’s swatches tae forbid inappropriate enjosement o the photies. So ah thoucht ah’d dae the same tae the pentins tae protect … Continue reading Wrang.
“Look – either ye buy yersel an easel or ye let me hing the canvas on ma back.” Translate: hing: hang. “Look – either you buy yourself a proper easel or you let me hang the … Continue reading Hing.
“Get a bit mair aw thegither… a bit mair… ah that’s better.” Translate: thegither: together. “Could you get a little bit more all together… a little bit more… ah that’s better.” The Scottish Word: thegither with … Continue reading Thegither.
“Noo mind Mr Art Investor overgaen the cost o the artwork itsel is the maintenance. Yer obleeged tae cover the costs o feedin an cleanin up efter the punk buddha darnin.” Translate: obleege: pledge oneself, to … Continue reading Obleege.
“Help ma Boab, it’s jist like me, ah’ll tak it an gi ye the siller richt noo.” Translate: siller: money. “My goodness, it is just like me, I will take it and give you the money … Continue reading Siller.