Scottish Word: Shairp.

I aye like my pincil as shairp as mha trusty scalpel. Translate: shairp: sharp. I always like my pencil as sharp as my trusty scalpel. ʃerp The Scottish Word: shairp with its definition and its meaning … Continue reading Shairp. →

Ah kent ah wiz ill-hung-thegither but this is takin the piss. Hoo’d ye jine a puggie’s haun that size tae sic a muckle airm like mine an get it tae work? It IS a puggie’s haun, … Continue reading Ill-hung-thegither. →

What possibill madderam could possibily wipe the grin aff your coupon!? The likelihood that ye’ll no be so busy in a few decades is it? Aw doon tae the chancy o Climate Change leavin only a … Continue reading Madderam. →

“Get a move on Lister, this scuttering aboot swoppin aprons, washing, scrubbing an pentin between operations is going tae mak me late for ma supper.” Translate: scutter: hinder with something unimportant, delay detain through some needless … Continue reading Scutter. →
Scottish Word: Een.

“Ah’m no sure it’s ethical tae transplant the een o a hoolet intae the heid o a peepin tom.” Translate: een: eyes. “I am not sure it is ethical to transplant the eyes of an owl … Continue reading Een. →