Two aliens boiling a frog above Scotland.
The Scottish Word:


They’re no wice. I ken they ken oan frae aff.

I’ve pooerit the mense o human kind frae planet earth into thon puddock.

AND it kens hoo tae work thon oan & aff furlie tae turn aff the gas.

Ahn yet like aw the rest afore it, there it sits cuikin awa tae deith. It’ll be bilen shortly.

Cairryin on like nithin’s adae. It beggars belief.

Thon planet’s doomed ah tell ye. Doomed.


oan: on.

They are not wise. I know they know on from off.

I’ve poured the intelligence of human kind from planet earth into that frog.

AND it knows how to work that there on and off roundel lever to turn off the gas.

And yet like all the rest before it, it sits there cooking to death. It’ll be boiling shortly.

Carrying on like nothing’s happening. It beggars belief.

That planet there is doomed I tell you. Doomed.

The Scottish Word: oan with its definition and its meaning illustrated and captioned with the word used in context in the Scots language and in English.

Is It Too Late?

We’re all frogs in the heating beaker, which is now near boiling, and wealthy vested interests have been narcissistically broadcasting at us; ‘no worries, it’s OK’. Even now on Social Media.

A short Read Compared to the Book.

An article on sixty years of climate change warnings: the signs that were missed (and ignored): Sixty Years of Climate Change Warnings; Article: Alice Bell, The Guardian.

The article is an edited extract from Our Biggest Experiment: An Epic History of the Climate Crisis by Alice Bell, published on 8 July 2021 by Bloomsbury and available at and other booksellers.

Missed Chances.

“One of the hardest parts of writing about the history of the climate crisis was stumbling across warnings from the 1950s, 60s and 70s, musing about how things might get bad sometime after the year 2000 if no one did anything about fossil fuels. They still had hope back then. Reading that hope today hurts.” Alice Bell.

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