Scottish Word: Licht.
Weel Ladies this is oor battle-air-ship but dinni be fooled – the airmour’s paper thin tae keep her licht eneuch so’s the aerium gas in her bladders’ll lift her quick so’s we kin rocket awa gleg … Continue reading Licht.
Weel Ladies this is oor battle-air-ship but dinni be fooled – the airmour’s paper thin tae keep her licht eneuch so’s the aerium gas in her bladders’ll lift her quick so’s we kin rocket awa gleg … Continue reading Licht.
Get yer carcass in here gleg like so we dinni skaith the lawn here totally. Are you the ingineer tae fix this vessel so we can gang aboot this mawin backwarts? Can you can turn this … Continue reading Skaith.
“Fur a 143 years ah spin through space marooned wi nowt but a dug tae clap an a diary tae scrieve an NOO ah lose ma pencil. Ma last one.” Translate: spin: progress favourably, journey in … Continue reading Spin.
“An get Branson telt that the space junk that’s banjaxing oor re-entry are kenmarkit ‘bigglesworth the max power super squib of Lossiemouth’.” Translate: kenmark: brand, a mark of ownership. “And be sure to inform Richard, without … Continue reading Kenmark.
“Staun weel back efter ye licht the works as it’ll get gey toastie when ah take aff.” Translate: staun: stand. “Stand well back after you light the rockets as it will get rather warm when I … Continue reading Staun.