Scottish Word: Sleek.
Aye we’re still howkin oot remains o this ancient race frae the deep auld oxygen sterved sypes and sleeks. We find maist in their cuboid coral like structures whaur they seemed tae be makin a knotless … Continue reading Sleek.
Aye we’re still howkin oot remains o this ancient race frae the deep auld oxygen sterved sypes and sleeks. We find maist in their cuboid coral like structures whaur they seemed tae be makin a knotless … Continue reading Sleek.
Ah ken we’re fond o this lee slope o the sithean fur winchin. But kin you no hear that discordant fairy tinklin? Ahn diz it no gie ye the grue? Translate: sithean: artificial mound or small … Continue reading Sithean.
Weel weel aw oor cookin up o this virus has resulted in a wee bonus o this wee bittie cloot* whit’ll keep the smeek an smuir oot o oor lighs. ahn whit’s mair if’n we whip … Continue reading Smuir.
As tae yer feckless idea tae experiment on what this neep mincer wid dae tae ferm cats. Zeendy: try that wi onie o the ferm cats roond here an they’d skin us tae the bane and … Continue reading Feckless.
Aye, wi one ee I never see double or get skellie ee’d nae matter how long I’m oan the swallie. Mind you it maks me fair hungert an I aften fire up a barbecue. I like … Continue reading Swallie.
Dinni worry aboot the real giant alien clockin us daein the repairs tae oor counterfeit Tarquin, they’re no awfie sparkie. Their harn canni hack the camstairy uptak. It’ll gang inta ootricht denial in a second ahn … Continue reading Sparkie.
“He’s weel kent as ‘a gutts an gangyls’, slocherin doon onythin that gangs past. It’s why he gies aff stinks mair ramsh an reekit than the guff o the swamp.” Translate: a gutts an gangyls: nothing … Continue reading Gangyls.
“Toast nivir lands butter side doon as afen as is thocht. An if it does, it’s a sure sign there’s attery oot an aboot that shouldni. That’s why I built this universal attery detector.” Translate: attery: … Continue reading Attery.
“Ye better come an document the hell oot o this, it’s gonna cause a stooshie.” Translate: stooshie, stoushie, strushie, strooshie: also stashie, stushie and stishie a disturbance, commotion, tumult, squabble. “You had better come and document … Continue reading Stooshie.
“Right. Are ye sure yer Chems for golems are perfect this time Asimov? I’m no wantin this thing gi’in me oni mair o this bane heidit by the letter tirraneese it gets up tae. It pented … Continue reading Tirraneese.