Scottish Words tagged with: feet - 11 posts.

A waste of a first class filtering type moustache.

Scottish Word: Fushion.

A waste of a first class filtering type moustache.

“Ach… this is gey fusionless broth.” Translate: fusionless: without substance or body, lacking in nourishment, dull, insipid, without taste. “Tut Tut… this is awfully thin, tasteless, insipid, weak, uninspired broth.” The Scottish Word: fushionless with its … Continue reading Fushion.

A Roman Circus nobody cheering on an Amazing Amazon.

Scottish Word: Laldie.

A Roman Circus nobody cheering on an Amazing Amazon.

“Oan ye go Big Senga. Gie them laldie.” Translate: laldie: severe punishment, a good beating, to do vigourously. “Much encouragement as you go Big Senga. Give them them a thorough thrashing.” The Scottish Word: laldie with … Continue reading Laldie.

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