Scottish Words tagged with: feet - 10 posts.

A waste of a first class filtering type moustache.

Scottish Word: Fushion.

A waste of a first class filtering type moustache.

“Ach… this is gey fusionless broth.” Translate: fusionless: without substance or body, lacking in nourishment, dull, insipid, without taste. “Tut Tut… this is awfully thin, tasteless, insipid, weak, uninspired broth.” The Scottish Word: fushionless with its … Continue reading Fushion.

A Roman Circus nobody cheering on an Amazing Amazon.

Scottish Word: Laldie.

A Roman Circus nobody cheering on an Amazing Amazon.

“Oan ye go Big Senga. Gie them laldie.” Translate: laldie: severe punishment, a good beating, to do vigourously. “Much encouragement as you go Big Senga. Give them them a thorough thrashing.” The Scottish Word: laldie with … Continue reading Laldie.

Australian rest break in the water up to his ankles during hot Christmas deliveries.

Scottish Word: Jeeliefish.

Australian rest break in the water up to his ankles during hot Christmas deliveries.

“Dinni worry jeeliefish. Santa magic’ll also unrwap ye once ma feet are cooled aff an ah’m oot o the watter. Dinni fash yersels” Translate: jeeliefish: jellyfish, as in the potentially deadly Australian box jellyfish, also known … Continue reading Jeeliefish.