Scottish Word: Stribbly.
Diz yer stribbly hair no get in the road? Diz it no get mankie wi the ink? Hoo is it ye divni get onie ink oan yer fingers? Why did ye dae that wee stribbly flick … Continue reading Stribbly.
Diz yer stribbly hair no get in the road? Diz it no get mankie wi the ink? Hoo is it ye divni get onie ink oan yer fingers? Why did ye dae that wee stribbly flick … Continue reading Stribbly.
It’s grand tae see a chook pouked wi care an consideration by a person instead o hunners by factory machines. I ken yer bunnets for its giblets but I wanted tae show ma appreciation wi a … Continue reading Pouk.
Ya fat geenyoch bear that ye are. You think yiv slaved the bees tae keep ye in hinnie forivver. But yer doitert ahn bein tricked. They’re murtherin you ya muckle fat fozie by feeding ye a … Continue reading Foziness.
“Right. Are ye sure yer Chems for golems are perfect this time Asimov? I’m no wantin this thing gi’in me oni mair o this bane heidit by the letter tirraneese it gets up tae. It pented … Continue reading Tirraneese.
“Ach! Yir still spirlie and ill-thriven, whit’s adae wi ye? I’ve hud enough! Ah’m no waitin onie longer.” Translate: spirlie: thin, spindly. “Argh! You are still skinny and scraggy, what is wrong with you? I have … Continue reading Spirlie.
“Dae ye fancy taes wi yir fit or no?” Translate: tae: toe. “Do you desire toes with your foot or would you like one without.” The Scottish Word: tae with its definition and its meaning illustrated … Continue reading Tae.
“Ach… this is gey fusionless broth.” Translate: fusionless: without substance or body, lacking in nourishment, dull, insipid, without taste. “Tut Tut… this is awfully thin, tasteless, insipid, weak, uninspired broth.” The Scottish Word: fushionless with its … Continue reading Fushion.
“Ahm no sure but ahm thinking one o the forty thieves was still in there when we filled it fou wi the lard abile.” Translate: abile: boiling. “I am not certain but I think one of … Continue reading Abile.
“Oh Lord please please please dinni let it be a banshee ahm hearin ahint me makin that eldritch din.” Translate: banshee: a wailing female spirit forecasting death or disaster. “Oh Lord please please please do not … Continue reading Banshee.
“Eechie ochie …” Translate: eechie ochie: neither one thing nor another, absolutely nothing, (always in the negative). “Bland …” The Scottish Word: eechie ochie with its definition and its meaning illustrated and captioned with the word … Continue reading Eechie Ochie.