Scottish Word: Fou.
The clachan yill had made me canty, I was na fou, but just had plenty: I stacher’d whyles, but yet took tent ay To free the ditches; An’ hillocks, stanes, an’ bushes, kend ay Frae ghaists … Continue reading Fou.
The clachan yill had made me canty, I was na fou, but just had plenty: I stacher’d whyles, but yet took tent ay To free the ditches; An’ hillocks, stanes, an’ bushes, kend ay Frae ghaists … Continue reading Fou.
Turn aroond, backie up, thur’r crocodile murtherers aheid! Translate: murther, morthour: murder. Turn around, back up, there are crocodile murderers ahead. mʌrðər The Scottish Word: murther with its definition and its meaning illustrated and captioned with … Continue reading Murther.
Weel min, ye should ken that whaur there’s yin o these craiters then syne there’ll a dizzen or mair. It’s weel kent hereaboots. Ah’d skoosh back tae yer submersible double quick if I wiz you. We’re … Continue reading Dizzen.
Nae worries Tri-Horn auld pal, it’s a jabbit ‘n dune Rex wiv left ahent us pechin oot his lungs oer thon daunder o a sklent. Ah doot he’ll mak it up the rest o the brae … Continue reading Jabbit.
Yiv been warned Senga. Noo get yersel tae the gym ah’n work-oot or yir drapped frae the armed fairy flying squad. Ye’ll end up grunded permanently ah’n that’s nae life fur a war fairy. Translate: grunded, … Continue reading Grunded.
“Dae ye no think it’s lookin like there’s nae buddy in it?” Translate: buddy: a human being, person, body. “Do you not think that it is beginning to look like it does not have a person … Continue reading Buddy.
“Aye aye Tarquin, Ah’m noticin yir hirplin real bad. Ye’ll be nae yis on the Mammoth hunt ava.” Translate: hirple, hirpil: limp, walk lamely, hobble. “My my Tarquin, I am noticing that you are hobbling really … Continue reading Hirple.
“hoo ist there’s nivir a selkie when ye need yin?” Translate: selkie: seal. “How is it that there is never a seal when you are in need of one?” The Scottish Word: selkie with its definition … Continue reading Selkie.
“Go oan, a tottie bit’ll nae dae ye oanie herm.” Translate: tottie: tiny, small. “Go on, a tiny bit will not do you any harm.” The Scottish Word: tottie with its definition and its meaning illustrated … Continue reading Tottie.
“Will you stop mumpin oan man. It’s nocht bit a scratch.” Translate: mumpin: complaining. “Will you stop continuously complaining man. It is nought but a scratch.” The Scottish Word: mumpin with its definition and its meaning … Continue reading Mumpin.