Scottish Word: Sclaff.
“So how did ye like that sclaff in the lug then?” Translate: sclaff: slap obliquely, graze with the open hand or something flat in an oblique warning scuff sort of way. “So how did ye like … Continue reading Sclaff.
“So how did ye like that sclaff in the lug then?” Translate: sclaff: slap obliquely, graze with the open hand or something flat in an oblique warning scuff sort of way. “So how did ye like … Continue reading Sclaff.
“Whit’r ye fleein awa fur? It’s onie yin arra.” Translate: arra: arrow. “What are you speeding away for? It is only one arrow. The Scottish Word: arra with its definition and its meaning illustrated and captioned … Continue reading Arra.