Scottish Word: Gang.

Nivir mind his heid! Gang efter the tyres. Translate: gang: go, move, depart. Never mind his head! Go after the tyres. gjɑŋ The Scottish Word: gang with its definition and its meaning illustrated and captioned with … Continue reading Gang. →
Scottish Word: Moyen.

Staun bye Dusknötte! Here’s a guid sturdy gowf tae the back o yer napper. It’ll poust even mair stievely yer moyen oot o yer bonnie blue een tae bring thon Xburd doon. I read it in … Continue reading Moyen. →

He’s queeryin, whilst takin parteecular note o us wearin waders, if we’re bein willfully thrawart in no seein the watter. He’ll gie us that it’s crystal clear but denying watter’s there ataw he taks as bein … Continue reading Thrawart. →
Scottish Word: Foond.

Ah foond the test puddocks they aw het up biled wi-oot noticin in their surface-o-mobile bubbles when the sun kem oot. I massel ahm oer het ahn gonna huv tae initiate the emergency bubble launch doon-hill … Continue reading Foond. →
Scottish Word: Cruban.

If only ye’d kent semaphore ahn peyd heed tae thon cruban doon there flaggin the danger tae ye wi its cleuks ye micht both hae been saved. Noo as it stauns one o ye’s goin doon … Continue reading Cruban. →

Ah’n ahm tellin ye son nae matter hoo laithsome scunnery bluidie this is, the bastards will be rinnin cyclin tours roond the landin sites in seventy five years time. Merk my words. If’m we live so … Continue reading Bluidie. →
Scottish Word: Nithin.

First they cam fur the Wild Auroch. Ahn ye said nithin. Then they cam fur the Woodland Bison. Ahn ye said nithin. Then they saw aff the multiple millions o Passenger Pigeon. The Bastard Gum’s gone, … Continue reading Nithin. →
Scottish Word: Dug.

They think yer a deid dug and are dragging the bottom for yer corpse. But nae worries wee livin dug – yince yer cleeked up tae this rocket ah’ve got here ye’ll be up tae the … Continue reading Dug. →
Scottish Word: Birk.

Pit the fit doon! pit the fit doon! There’s a muckle xenoc birk o a bairn’t’ll mak a munsie o us like all bairns do wi toys if we dinni get oot o here spankie like. … Continue reading Birk. →

“If it’s guided oer a wire by yersel? An it gies ye a swatch o the target on yir screen so ye canni fail tae malafooster whit yiv aimed it at? Then hoo come it’s oursels … Continue reading Oursels. →