![wooden dish carrying the spoon and baby sweet pea flee from the sauce, the pepper policeman with his truncheon, and the armed salt box.](https://stooryduster.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2020/10/dish-and-the-spoon-650x650.jpg)
Scottish Word: Saut-backet.
Darling Edgar, widden dish o mine, the saut-backet has a gun an means tae shoot ye. He’s the saucy nurses’ sweetheart an kens ye gie’d her the heave fur me an sweet pea. He means tae … Continue reading Saut-backet.
Darling Edgar, widden dish o mine, the saut-backet has a gun an means tae shoot ye. He’s the saucy nurses’ sweetheart an kens ye gie’d her the heave fur me an sweet pea. He means tae … Continue reading Saut-backet.
Fresh eggs on demand. Braw. It’s a baxtarie competency few ken aboot. Taks years o trainin mind. But it’s a guid perty trick at ma cuikin an baxterin demos. I aye huv a hauden o trained … Continue reading Hauden.
Stop pirlin yir peas roon yir plate an plooin yer tatties wi yir fork. Ah ken whit yer efter ah’n yer no gettin any o it, either o ye, till ye clear yer plate. Translate: pirl: … Continue reading Pirl.
“Ach… this is gey fusionless broth.” Translate: fusionless: without substance or body, lacking in nourishment, dull, insipid, without taste. “Tut Tut… this is awfully thin, tasteless, insipid, weak, uninspired broth.” The Scottish Word: fushionless with its … Continue reading Fushion.
“Ooooh mair tea vicar? Ah hope it wisni Elsie’s neep sconettes’ that garred ye pump sae fell.” Translate: pump: break wind, fart. “Ooooh more tea vicar? I do hope it was not Elsie’s small turnip scones … Continue reading Pump.